



FGV Reg Talks :: The Evolution of Regulatory Governance and Policy in the Digital Age

31/10 - 14:00 às 15:30
Auditoriom 909
Evento passado

Sobre o Evento

The Reg Talks are a series of lectures promoted by the PPGD with the aim of broadening the debate on current issues in regulatory law and discussing them from a global perspective. In each lecture, a foreign scholar is invited to speak and the topic presented is moderated by a PPGD Professor. The lectures are addressed to the academic community of the FGV and seek to promote the internationalization of the FGV Direito Rio, while at the same time contributing to the improvement of national and international research in the field of regulation.

The event is open to undergraduate and graduate students. Registrations must be sent to ppgd.direitorio@fgv.br.


  • Lecture topic: The Evolution of Regulatory Governance and Policy in the Digital Age;
  • Speaker: Anna Pietikainen (Senior Policy Advisor, OCDE);
  • Discussant: Alketa Peci (Professora Titular e Vice-diretora da EBAPE/FGV);
  • Moderator: Natasha Salinas (FGV Rio Law). 


As manifestações expressas por integrantes dos quadros da Fundação Getulio Vargas, nas quais constem a sua identificação como tais, em artigos e entrevistas publicados nos meios de comunicação em geral, representam exclusivamente as opiniões dos seus autores e não, necessariamente, a posição institucional da FGV. Portaria FGV Nº19 / 2018.

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